Male bliss from the Lingam massage
Ancient Chinese and Indian cultures for centuries have used a special type of massage, available only to male clients – Lingam massage. Translating from Sanskrit, ‘Lingam’ in the ancient Indian language means the “staff of light”, that is a male sexual organ. A special niche, dedicated to Lingam in the ancient Tantra, is the true source of pleasure and higher energy.
What is this practice like?
Lingama massage is the impact on the penis, which unites the whole complex of the unique massage movements. It is worth noting that this methodology includes not only the penis massage, but also the male perineum, the scrotum and the unexplored G-spot, which is so familiar to professional massage therapists.
Indications for the Lingam massage
The main purpose of the master is to create an atmosphere, in which a guest can relax and open his chakras. Only by reaching the true harmony and appeasement, the customer will be able to obtain deep pleasure and benefit from the massage procedure. The practice is considered to be very effective and the most efficient for:
- improvement and enhancement of sexual activity;
- strengthening of reproductive system;
- renewal of the sexual energy.
Performance technique
After the establishment of the intimate atmosphere, the master places a pillow under the customer’s head, so that he could not only enjoy the feelings, but also enjoy the visual process, because the technique of Lingama massage implies the naked female body touching the man.
The legs of the guest are put apart, so that the massage therapist could gain the full access to his genitals. With the delicate elements of the manual massage techniques, the master warms up the muscles on the body: the abdomen, chest, feet, hands, the inner part of the thighs. In the process of massage the specialist innocently touches a client with her abdomen, breasts or hips, but it is such proximity, which allows the client to trust and to open himself for the master, as well as to get the maximum pleasure.
Effect from the Lingam massage technique
Lingam massage in Moscow individually. Lingam massage for men.
Several sessions of this practice are able to significantly change the life of a man, returning him the confidence and sexual activity. Lingam massage of genital organs is capable to clear the excessive accumulations, thanks to the restored blood circulation. In order to achieve the maximum effect, the procedure must be carried out on a soft penis, preferably after the release of sexual energy.