Taoist face massage

  » Taoist face massage

Rejuvenation practice – the method of Taoist face massage

The unique rituals, traditions and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine relating to facial rejuvenation, are joined in the methods of Taoist face massage. Despite the fact that the practice involves only the facial massage, rejuvenation processes happen in the whole body, favourably influencing the condition and appearance of hair, skin. Regular massage sessions bring visual changes, eliminating pigment spots, minimizing the number of wrinkles on the face and neck, preventing the emergence of acne and pimples, making skin elastic, soft and tightened.

Special features

The accurate and thorough diagnosis of the skin is considered the basis of this methodology.  It is necessary to determine the diseases of the internal organs and systems of the body, because each separate area on the face displays their correct or incorrect operation. An experienced massage therapist is able to cope with the diagnostics, determine the resulting violations in the work of the system, manifested in the form of deep wrinkles, stains and eruptions. To start the procedure for the unimpeded movement of energy flows, the specialist affects the predefined points on the face, starting the immediate process of rejuvenation and purification.


The average duration of the massage session varies from 60 to 80 minutes. The following are the positive effects of the procedure:

  • increased muscle strength;
  • full circulation of lymph and blood;
  • unimpeded flow of the qi energy;
  • reduced number and brightness of the pigmentation;
  • tightened face contour;
  • accelerated removal of toxins and wastes.

How does the procedure go

Taoist massage should be accompanied by quiet music, helping to relax and restore breathing.

After cleaning skin with gentle peeling method, when the exfoliation procedure finishes, massage therapist starts the massage of biologically active points, which have a favourable effect on the work of the interior organs, to which they are reated. The specialists also pay special attention to the neck area, removing muscle tension, allowing to get rid of headache and charging with a sense of lightness.

High quality massage by this procedure will necessarily provide the client with a sense of ethereality, tranquilit, and the nervous condition will gradually change by the appeasement and happiness.