Urological massage of prostate

  » Urological massage of prostate

Massage from the private massage therapists for men in Moscow.

One of the most effective ways to save the sexual health and remain in excellent form – for men. Massage of prostate for men in Moscow, in the hands of reliable professional massage therapists in the mysterious, paradisal environment will help to restore confidence and harmony inside yourself.   Urological massage of prostate individually, at home helps to obtain a comprehensive procedure without fears and unnecessary complexes in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. You can fully rely on the selected skilled massage therapist beyond any doubt. Our masters will take care of you – urological massage of prostate will not cause any fear and inner discomfort.

The efficient massage practice – impact on the prostate

The procedure of the prostate massage allows to intensify blood circulations in the exocrine tubuloacinar gland and to ensure the full outflow of secret from the infected glands. Urological massage implies the impact on prostate by the method of pressing, which continues until the secret appears. The efficiency of this method is proved by its hundred centuries long practice, allowing to use of this kind of massage not only as a treatment, but also as a preventive measure.

Indications for the procedure

Urological massage is used for the following diseases of male genitalia:

  • chronic urethritis;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • retrobulbar optic neuritis;
  • catarrhal types of prostatitis;
  • chronic pains in the lover back and pelvis area;
  • atony and other forms of prostatic gland;
  • spermatorrhea;
  • traumatic inflammatory processes of testicles and appendages;
  • vesiculitis.


The effectiveness of the methodology

The practice of massaging the exocrinous gland is characterized by the proven effectiveness and further application directions in the following cases:

  • During diagnosticating, as well as for the appointment of an acceptable cure.
  • For therapeutic purposes, to cure the stagnant or inflammatory processes in the prostate area, as well as when curing the bacterial form of sexually transmitted diseases.

Effect of the massage

To achieve results, it is necessary to take a course of treatment, or at least several sessions of massage that will show the first results and improvements in the form of:

  • improved blood circulation in the prostate;
  • elimination of stagnations in the pelvic organs;
  • restored passability;
  • increased muscle strength;
  • enhanced effect of the treatment due to the intensification of blood circulation.

Technique of the urological massage procedure 

You should trust the performance of such an intimate procedure only to a true professional, who has the necessary experience and the relevant certificates, and if you got an advice or recommendations from your urologist. The performance technique is not difficult, but it has several methods of performance: option with the direct impact on the rectum by finger and with the help of urethral bougie though the channel responsible for urinating.